Google My Business Profiles

A Google My Business Profile will literally put you on the map! A My Business Profile gets your business noticed, especially on mobile devices, and may well be the future of Google search. We help businesses create My Business profiles that are an asset.

You notice Google My Business Profiles most on mobile devices. If you do a search on a phone they tend to come up first because they are location dependent. And since over 80% of all internet searches in South Africa are done on a mobile device, and over 90% of those are on an Android powered device, Google My Business is becoming more powerful than a traditional search result ranking.

And its the future as far as Google see things.

Not claiming your Google My Business listing or taking it seriously can have a dire negative impact on your business. In some instances, Google has automatically created a listing based on information it has found online, and that means that anyone with an axe to grind can review your business- do you really want the main thing someone finds when they search for your business to be a 1 star rating?

Of course not- you want them to find professional, well presented information, and positive feedback from an overwhelming majority of happy customers and clients (you are always going to get at least one bad one).

We help our clients build awesome Google My Business listings and have a unique system to help them get better ratings- if you don’t ask happy customers to leave a review they won’t, but you better be sure an unhappy one will crawl over broken glass to do it. Our system allows you to effortlessly make sure your happy customers are going to spread the good word for your business.