Logo Design

Want your business to really look professional and slick? We can develop a logo for your business that will really make you stand out from the crowd. From something to put at the top of your new website to a full corporate identity that can be used for any application.

We started with graphic design backgrounds, and learned to code. It still gives us a kick to do some old school design work.

Nothing makes your business look more professional than having a great logo.

We design logos that will look great at any scale, from a tiny business card to the side of a building. If you want to be successful in business you need to start thinking in terms of brand, and a brand needs an identity- something instantly recognizable as yours.

Simplicity is the key to a good logo design, and that’s the hard part. Its easy to come up with insanely complicated logos that work at the scale they were designed at, but all that detail disappears when the logo is scaled down, or lettering spreads out to be too wide on the side of a truck.